I've made a whole lot of great crafters here in blogland and I am so blessed to have met these wonderful ladies. One that is very special to me is
La Janette; who has awarded this Inspiration Award to me. Thanks so much dear!
I love her designs on the Top Tip Tuesday's team, as well as all of her other creations. You can visit her anytime and she will always have such pretty creations!
Here are the rules to this award!!!
1. Share 7 things about yourself
2. Pass it along to 7 beauty blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy
3. Thank and link back to who gave you the award
So here I go following the rules:
7 things about myself:
1. I am the middle child of 3
2. I am a true believer in "opposites attract"
3. Married 24 years to my favorite opposite.
4. I own every musical ever made
5. I've played the piano since I was 11
6. Orange and Red Tulips are my favorite flowers
7. I never buy NEW ...cars, children clothes, movies or video games! Recycling will save the planet.
I would like to pass this award to the following 7 ladies ( in no order at all)
Karen: Karens Kreative Kards
Lisa: From crayons to Copics
Thank you for visiting,